Sunday, August 15, 2010

really quite silly

Just sharing my morning's devotion passage: Mark 8:13-21

Quick context:
- Jesus feeds the four thousand by breaking bread and fish. Jesus and the team gets on a boat to go to the 'other side'
- Pharisees test Jesus' divinity and demand a miracle. Jesus refuses and hops back on the boat and goes back
- On the boat, the disciples realise there is only one loaf of bread for the 13 of them to share. Stressed that Jesus might tell them off they talk amongst themselves.
- Jesus rebukes them.

If Jesus used only seven loaves to feed 4000, there shouldn't be any issue feeding the disciples plus Jesus on that small boat. Right?

I'm just reminded of how forgetful we can be. We can come from a miraculous encounter then almost immediately slip back into our disbelief. I sat here thinking to myself, "If I were there, I would never forget seeing thousands fed from 7 loaves." For goodness sake, the disciples were handing out the miracle! It was happening in their hands as they distributed the food. They were right there and still managed to slip back into doubt. Realistically, I'd probably do the same.

I find comfort in looking into the rest of their lives and ultimately, how they all ended (minus Judas lol). Without an ounce of doubt, the majority of them died for the Jesus they lived for. It speaks to me that faith, really powerful and world changing faith, is not on or off, there or not. But rather it is nurtured, practiced, exercised and grows with time.

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