Sunday, July 25, 2010

my heritage

Possibly one of the most life altering revelations I've had is realising the intense blessing that falls on my life. As my friends around me understand the same revelation though their blessings are different, the response though, is usually similar. Gratitude and thanksgiving, joy and peace, love and worship.

We've had the topic of generational blessing and curses come up in our studies and discussions. I've seen the fruits in my life, both positive and negative. I have no doubt that there is a generational transference, though not deliberate, which inevitably takes hold of our lives. Unless we are aware of our heritage, we cannot break the curse or increase the anointing.

My question though is, what will be my heritage? Surely I have received a level of supernatural and unmerited favour for ministry and the work of God, but how will I further that anointing for generations to come? How about my struggles, could they have repercussions decades later?

In being honest with dad two weeks ago, I shared with him my struggles with sin and temptation. He cried and as we continued to talk he spoke of how his experiences as a young man were very similar. Dad was adamant that my struggle was further perpetuated by the fact that he did not break the curse in his time. I walked away touched by my dad's honesty and heart but slightly disbelieving, deciding that my situation was my choice, my creation and my doing. As the thoughts shift and rearrange themselves and I reflect - if I'm more than willing to accept the portion that falls upon my life - a heart for the Lord, an anointing for ministry and Godly principles and beliefs, then I must be aware of the chains that I bear by being my father's (or my mothers) son.

If my father's choices over 40 years ago could have implications upon my life, how much will my choices now and tomorrow, influence generations?

It scares me. But I also find great joy knowing that those I lead and my future family and children will have the portion and blessing which falls on my life fall over theirs too. Not for my family's name sake, or to increase our heritage, but rather to make our inheritance the inheritance of nations - Christ.

"In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you." - 1 Peter 1:3-4

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