Tuesday, July 20, 2010

night and day.

Night and day, feels like today and yesterday. Today serves as a stark reminder that though we win battles, the war for our devotion is very much raging still. Let me elaborate.

Yesterday was one of the best days I have spent with the Lord in recent memory. Away from a crowd, separate from the people of the church or my closest and most intimate of friends, I sat, played and even wrote a song in the His presence. Spent some amazing time with Him in the morning, held by His love and wanting to give my all, I put to song the words:

I adore you
I adore you
I adore you
He sings over me

I adore You
I adore You
I adore You

All morning the Lord continued to speak to me, telling me to trust Him... He keeps telling me, clearly I'm quite stubborn lol. Then going to work, picking up my gorgeous cousin from the city, taking her home for dinner then going to spend some more time at church. I felt as though I picked up a spirit of fear, at church of all places. A reminder that a church is just a building but The Church is the heart of and for God's people. Following me home, the spirit continued to pester me, whispering thoughts, doubts and deceit into my ears. Fed up, I knelt by my bed prayed then sat upon my bed and begun to rebuke the spirit audibly. Laying in bed and writing to my beautiful girlfriend, the spirit returned to continue to harass me. A little more annoyed I rebuked it again firmly by the blood of Christ and as we believe and expect, the blood of Christ overcame and I was at peace.

Such a day of victory one day so strongly contrasted today. I woke up feeling groggy, dizzy and with a pretty uncool headache. So I called in sick. I hope my boss isn't too unimpressed considering it is only my 2nd week lol.

So I just stayed home watched SWAT and where I found it easy to battle with and overcome a spirit of fear, what I succumbed to was simply my own foolishness and lustful desire. I slept the rest of the day, still feeling disgusting both in the physical and in the spirit here I am, writing and reading the Word.

I'm reminded of Psalm 92, particularly verse 2 which I quote regularly.

"It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night"- Psalm 92:1-2

I usually only apply this to literal days. Though tonight I see further, to proclaim His love in the morning, is of course so critical. To involve proclaiming love at the start, at the dawn of each new endeavor, ministry or effort prepares our hearts and reminds us of the focus we need to keep and the motivation which drives us.

But to proclaim His faithfulness in the night - when you're tired, sleepy and worn out; that is just as much a challenge if not greater than the proclamation of love. But He is good, He is faithful, He does not forget His promises but only forgets my sins. Hallelujah.

"For I will forgive their wickedness and I will remember their sins no more" - Jeremiah 31:34
"As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us" - Psalm 103:12

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